27 April 2012

Picture This, Picture That: Uncoupled by Lizzie Enfield

This week for Picture This, Picture That I am looking at 2 very different covers for Lizzie Enfield's latest release Uncoupled. I did like the hardback cover (left) in striking purple, it looked very different to other covers out there, but I really do like the new paperback cover (right) which is due out in September. I am surprised by how different they look too, and I like that the author's name is far more prominent on the new edition, whereas it looks a bit lost on the hardback.

So, which cover do you like best?! Which one would make you pick it up off the shelf in a shop and buy it? For me, I think it'd be the paperback. Vote in the poll below and we'll see which one is most popular!

surveys & polls


  1. I personally much prefer the purple cover. They are both SO different. The purple would catch my eye in a shop, the newer one I probably wouldn't think about taking a look at.

  2. Oooh I see it's a close one! I think the skys very pretty on the new cover.

  3. I love the old cover... the new one loses me for some reason.
    Great to find you!
