This book was sent to me along with a couple of chick lit releases from Headline, and I was immediately intrigued by it. It's a small, square hardback with a quite funky cover that claims to have "Top Tips" for every woman that wants to know anything in her home or life. I hadn't heard of the website before seeing this book, and indeed I didn't know there was a previous book either, called Top Tips For Girls, also by Kate Reardon. I sat down one quiet evening to have a look and see what I thought.
I didn't know what to expect from this book, but as soon as I started reading, I knew I was going to like it! I love reading tips and trying them out, so the publishers picked the right person to send this book too! The tips are all written my members of the website Toptips.com, and I can imagine how difficult it was for the author to sit there and go through the answers to questions on the site and pick the best ones to appear in the book. They are all identified by their username on the site, so if you're a member, you should buy a copy to see if you're in it!
There are tips in here covering everything you'd want to know for you home, kids and relationships. There's advice about how to deal with teenagers who don't talk to you, how to cope when you find out your ex has been bad-mouthing you to your kids, the best way to remove fish-cooking smells from your home and many, many more. Even if the tips weren't particularly relevant to me, I still enjoyed reading them and seeing what people had to say about various different things!
As well as the more serious replies, there are quite a few funny ones in there to make you giggle as you read as well. I had a good giggle at a few of them because they genuinely are funny, and I really liked the balance of useful and funny in the book. It's a great book to dip in and out of whenever you have time because you don't have chapters to finish, you just read as and when you like. If you're into finding out new tips like me, then this might be a good book to pop on your bedside table, and will no doubt come in useful at some point!

Thank you to the publishers for sending me a copy to review.

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